Monday, September 26, 2011

Meet SB Jones, Author of Requiem

SB Jones is the author of Requiem, The first book of The Eternal Gateway trilogy, a thrilling Action-Adventure Fantasy with "steam-punk" overtones. It's one of those books you just can't put down if fate somehow places it in your hands.

Check it out, if you get the chance. Until that time, meet the author now.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What else do you do besides writing?

Hello, I am SB Jones the author of The Eternal Gateway trilogy. Other than writing Science Fiction Steampunk novels, I am part owner of an insurance agency. I take random break fix calls from Chase bank. And lastly I test the quality of beer while sitting under the sun at a fresh water spring lagoon.

2. How did you first get into writing?

I got into writing after being laid off by Dell in 2010. I wanted to do something that was as far away from a cube farm as possible. I had story ideas bouncing around in my head for a while so I took the opportunity.

3. Tell us about your latest book.

Requiem was published June 20, 2011. It is the first book of a planned trilogy. It is set in an alternate world dominated by the Steampunk genera. I threw in a fantasy twist by having magic users and the popular complications that time travel can bring. It finished up at 74,500 words and the paperback version is 318 pages long.

4. Is it part of a larger series?

Yes, it is the first book of a planned trilogy. There is material and back story to do dozens of more books. I plan to work on those once The Eternal Gateway trilogy is complete. The Keratin Nation and The War of Antiquities quickly come to mind as additional projects. Also with the time traveling guardian character, I can write a book that takes place at any time and any where.

5. What was your inspiration for your book?

Most of the inspiration comes from a decade of playing pen and paper role playing games like Rifts, Dungeons and Dragons. Of course modern films, books, movies all add their influence as well like Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings. Video games as well. Final Fantasy and Destiny of an Emperor all shaped my imagination growing up. I think story telling is a lost art on most writers. They all can write, but what separates them are the ones who can story tell as well.

6. What motivates you to want to write? What do you enjoy about it?

I am very goal oriented. So my goals are to write book one (complete). Write book two (in progress), Write book three (outlined). Complete trilogy. I am putting all of my time into completing the trilogy, once it is finished, I will re-evaluate were I am at and either continue, or walk a different path. But no matter what, I want to be able to look back at my writing and have it be something I am proud of.
One thing I am enjoying right now is when people find out that I have written a book, their eyes light up and their whole attitude changes. There is a definite status that comes with being an author.

7. Do you have any advice for new writers about perfecting their craft?

Do not go back and rewrite anything until the first draft is done. You NEED to finish the draft before you edit. If you start to edit before the story is finished, you will never finish the story. Even if you know there are problems, ignore them and continue on. This is what happens to the people who have spent 2-10 years and not completed their book, they get stuck editing an unfinished story.
Take notes, know where you want your story to go. When you get stuck, you can look at your notes and see where you need to go. Good notes/outline will eliminate almost all of your writer's block.


Twitter: @Starbuck_Jones
Barnes and Nobles:


  1. I've always liked the gateway idea because it really does open up endless possibilities.
    You were raised on Final Fantasy? Wow, that dates me. I never played Final Fantasy because I was too old when it came out!
    I disagree about not revising before you've finished the first draft. Revising is a great thing to do when you're stuck, because it can get you unstuck. As long as you don't use it as an excuse to stop writing new material, it's OK.
    All writers have a different process, though, so if you don't like revising before you get that first draft down on paper, by all means don't.

  2. There is a difference between revising and editing before you are finished. I feel a lot of authors get stuck in edit mode because they don't know where to go.

    There were two spots in Requiem that I had to revise the outline because I ran into a logic hole. The results were one character got to live when they were supposed to be killed off, and the original fight at the end had to be switched around because it no longer made sense to do it that way.

    I didn't go back and edit/revise the previous stuff to make the original outline work. Book two already has a couple of rough spots that will have to be re-written, but it can wait till the first draft is done. If I go back now, the story will never get told.

    I outlined 5 short novellas the other day. Time travel really does open up endless material to expand the world.
